Kilted Lover Read online

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  This is insane. I shouldn’t. She turned and paced back toward her berth. Gazing out a porthole into Charleston Harbor, she imagined his face, his hands on her, his lips, his silky hair wrapped around her fingers. His kiss promised a pleasure—a soul-searing experience—she had never known. Was she willing to miss that?

  Resolute, Leslie faced the stateroom again and strode forward through the galley. This time she didn’t stop, but merely softened her step and eased the door open. Darkness and his erotic male scent filled the small room. She inhaled deeply.

  “Les?” His sudden movement startled her.

  “Scott.” Her heart turned into a jackhammer. She almost bolted.

  “What is it?” His deep, concerned voice reminded her of black velvet.

  She sucked in two sharp breaths. Don’t hyperventilate. “Um. Well.” Though she couldn’t see him, she forced herself to sit on the edge of his berth, facing him. “It’s just that I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  Kilted Lover: Chapter 4

  How would Scott react to her crazy request to sleep with him? Only a fine line existed between insanity and bravery. Leslie twisted her fingers together to still their trembling.

  “Les, what are you saying? You don’t want to sleep alone?” His voice throbbed.

  Her stomach ached, but she refused to let that stop her. Her need for him eclipsed her sense of right and wrong. Something in him spoke to her on the deepest level and felt so right. “I mean, I want to sleep here, with you.” With jittery fingers, she brushed the bare, heated skin of his chest.

  He captured her wrist. “Sleep?”

  “Or whatever we decide to do.” What if he turned her down? How would she face him in the light of day? Maybe she didn’t appeal to him.

  “What about your boyfriend?”

  No, I won’t think of him. Shame pressed in on her chest. “I’m not married to him.” I don’t love him.

  Scott stroked her sensitive palm with his thumb, his skin incredibly stimulating. “But you have a commitment. How long have you been dating?”

  Tears burned her eyes. She jerked away. Why couldn’t he understand? “Ten months, but we’re not engaged.” Scott was too damned honorable. How could she explain that no kiss had ever felt like his? Not Fletcher’s. Not anyone’s.

  Should she tell Scott she planned to break up with Fletcher? No, that would give Scott the idea she wanted a relationship with him. And maybe she did, but she didn’t want to appear emotionally clingy. She just wanted to experience Scott, with no thoughts of the future or the past dragging her down.

  Her face burned, and she was thankful for the darkness. “You think I’m a horrible person, wanting to cheat on my boyfriend. I am—I know I am. I’ve never done anything like this before.” She lowered her voice to a whisper to confess her naughtiest secret. “It’s just that when we kissed, I’ve never been kissed like that before. And I wondered, if a kiss could be that overwhelming, what would the rest be like?”

  “Les,” he groaned. Was it from arousal or agony? Both? Was he torn over what to do, as she was? A breeze from an open porthole blew cool ocean air over her heated skin.

  “Thirty minutes ago, you had two pocketfuls of condoms and gave me the most erotic kiss of my life. I figured a man like that wouldn’t protest.”

  “Those condoms aren’t mine. Paul put them in the bottom of the grocery bag. I was going to hide them so you wouldn’t see them and think I was a pervert. But that backfired.”

  Once again his noble, heroic side surfaced, making her want him even more. “I didn’t think you were a pervert. Oversexed, maybe.”

  He released a short laugh. Silence followed, filled with sounds of waves splashing softly against the hull. “I like you, Les, and you know damn well I want you,” he said in a raw tone.

  A thrill shot through her. His words boosted her confidence and strengthened her daring. She’d never pursued a man before, so she didn’t know how to go about it. She only knew if there was ever a man she wanted to be intimate with, it was Scott. He was as appealing to her as rich warm brownies topped with vanilla ice cream and caramel.

  Maybe he should know she didn’t expect a commitment. “Have you ever had a one-night stand?”

  “Yeah,” he said in a hesitant tone.

  “I haven’t.”

  He remained quiet so long, her confidence evaporated. He was probably trying to think of a delicate way to turn her down. Boy, did I screw this up. She rose from the bed. “I’m sorry. I should go.”

  “Les.” He snatched her hand. “Is that what you want? A one-night stand?”

  “I don’t know.” But she did. She had to know the full impact of what his kiss would lead to.

  “Come here.” Scott pulled her down to sit on the bed again. “I don’t want you to regret it tomorrow.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Dammit,” he muttered. “One night. That’s all.” His rough voice gave her a shiver.

  “Okay.” She swallowed hard and wondered if this was one huge mistake. But the time for second thoughts was long past.

  His hot breath fanned her cheek. Her lips tingled with anticipation. She inhaled his virile scent, heavy with arousing male musk—the kind that drew a woman on a primal level. His feverish warmth heated her own skin.

  Why didn’t he make a move? Did he want her to take the lead? She certainly wasn’t adept at seducing a man. What should she do first?

  She touched his chest and ran her hungry hands over the muscles from his wide shoulders to the bunched cotton sheet at his waist. She explored him, finding each chiseled curve and hard plain more enticing than the last. She’d never felt anyone so masculine and arousing.

  “Mmm. Your hands feel good.” His whisper in her hair sent a shudder down her body. Thrilled she could please him, she kissed his throat. His sharp intake of breath guided her actions and told her what he liked. She brushed her lips across his stubble-covered chin and mouth. His fingers tangled gently in her hair. Was it restraint that caused his hands to tremble?

  The second meeting of their lips ignited the explosion. A flame of need and emotion licked through her, consuming all rational thought. She craved him so fiercely, she ate at his mouth like a woman starved. Her body ached for him, and her heart pounded. “Scott. Scott—”

  “Shh, baby, slow down,” he whispered.

  Tears burned her eyes. She could hardly draw breath. Why? What did this man do to her? He sparked the most profound, primal yearning in her and at the same time, her soul craved to entwine itself around his and never let go.

  “Take this off.” He pulled her T-shirt upward and tossed it away, leaving her naked, exposed, and uncertain.

  Scott’s fingers brushed over her ribs, slightly abrading but stimulating. He trailed circles around her breasts.

  Instinct grabbed hold of her, and she arched her back. Breath held, she thrust her breasts toward him, silently urging him to stroke her nipples. He circled closer. Her whole body tingled in anticipation. Trying to take the edge off the moist ache he created, she pressed her legs together.

  He dipped his head and drew her nipple into his mouth. Electricity sizzled through her at the wet, swirling strokes of his tongue. She moaned and buried her hands in his hair, hugging him closer. He pulled her onto her knees and lavished both breasts with equal attention.

  After pushing him backward onto the bed, she straddled him, sitting on his erection. Even though the sheet separated them, his harder-than-granite cock tempted her. She wriggled her hips.

  He moaned and pulsated beneath her, rocking his pelvis slightly.

  She lifted up and pulled the sheet down to expose him. Mmm, he slept naked. She stroked his fever-hot erection, and he groaned.

  “Wow, Scott!”


  “You’re huge.”

  He plucked at her nipple. “Is that a problem?” She heard the smile in his voice.

  “No. At least, I don’t think so.”

  A restrained laugh escaped him. “It’s in proportion to the rest of me.”

  “Yeah, you’re a big boy.” Six and a half feet tall with shoulders as broad as a mountain. In the dark, she felt daring and naughty. “How many inches?”

  “What?” He chuckled.

  “According to a magazine article I read, men always know how many inches they’ve got. So, how many?”

  “If you must know, nine. And a half.”

  Dear God, what had she gotten herself into? That massive phallus would never fit inside her. “That half is important.”

  “Damn right.” He flicked his tongue back and forth across one nipple, while he gently pinched the other. Desire blazed a trail from her breasts to her lower belly.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he murmured, his voice warm in the darkness.

  “I know.”

  “You trust me? That easily?”

  “Yes. You saved my life.” With her hand she circled his cock, stiff and smooth.

  He kissed her, his tongue making long, sweeping strokes that ate at her mouth and her sanity. Lying flat on top of him, she spread her legs. His hands moved to her hips and thighs, caressing. Her arousal magnified. He cupped her ass in his hands, then teased her from the back with his fingertips, stroking between her legs. Briefly, he retreated, and then returned to dip a finger into her moist center. A riotous haze of need enveloped her. She thrust against his hand, arching her back. Her mound ground against his unyielding erection.

  Breaking the kiss, he sucked in a hissing breath. “Damn, you’re luscious.”

  Those words made her feel desired, more so than she’d ever been. As though he’d go mad if he couldn’t have her. His need filled a void she didn’t realize she’d had. She loved feeling wanted. Her whole life, she’d always done the right thin
g, ignoring her own needs, burying them beneath a blanket of pleasing others. Now she only wanted to please Scott, and in doing so, please herself. With Scott she could be herself, and she could be honest. The feeling liberated her.

  She wiggled, stroking his cock against her sensitized clit. “I want you.”

  “Lie down.” He rolled her onto her back.

  “But I wanted to be on top.” Why had he taken the control away?

  “You can later.”

  Later? Did that mean he wanted her more than once? Anticipation sparkled along her nerve endings, and she complied.

  He sat between her bent knees and stroked his hands up her thighs to the top, so very close to where she ached for him.

  Emboldened by the darkness and guided by instinct, she spread her legs wide before him.

  “Mmm, Les. You’re so sexy. So wet.” He stroked her gently, circling, spreading. At last, he slid a finger fully into her.

  “Oh yes, yes, yes,” she hissed.

  His words and his touch stole her thoughts. And she was merely his puppet for long seconds of bliss and torture as he teased her G-spot. Fisting her hands in the sheets, she thrust her hips upward shamelessly. She wanted more!

  “Scott,” she gasped.

  “You’re so tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She groaned. “You won’t. I want you. Now.” She pulled at his wrist. “Please. Don’t make me beg.”

  “Never. You never have to beg me. Just relax.”

  Something larger entered her—two fingers, sliding. The gentle stretching sensation was sublimely erotic. She tried to relax like he’d said but her body tightened like a spring ready to uncoil out of control.

  “How does that feel?” he asked, his breathing unsteady.

  “Ah! Wonderful! More, please.” She reached for his rock-hard cock and stroked the tip with her finger. A trickle of moisture slicked across his skin. “Mmm, Scott.”

  “See how bad I want you?”

  “Yes. Have me! Have me!”

  He chuckled and withdrew his fingers. “I need your help with something.” He leaned toward the edge of the bed to open the nightstand drawer.

  Mindless as she was, she barely comprehended.

  He sat back and ripped open a packet in the darkness. After positioning the condom on the tip, he placed her fingers on it and guided her in rolling it downward. It sheathed his cock so tightly that the thin latex felt ready to explode. That he asked for her help with that simple, arousing task brought her closer to him.

  She wanted nothing more than to have his huge power thrusting within her, wild and insane with pleasure. Though she hadn’t known him long, his touch was familiar, intimate and gentle. He was water to her thirsty body. He lay over her, holding himself up with his elbows. His long hair brushed and tickled her ear on one side.

  “I wish I could see you now and watch your face when I slide into you,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Yes, but to see him now might be too much. She wondered what the look in his dark eyes might be. Their breaths mingled and caught when he nudged against her. She squirmed, trying to get closer.

  “Relax.” He licked her lips and thrust his tongue briefly between them.

  He entered her slowly, the stretching sensation so intense, both pain and pleasure braided together in a tight coil. It was almost like the first time, but without the sharp feel of her barrier breaking. He filled her in a way she was unprepared for. Nothing had ever felt like this before.

  “Am I hurting you?” He trembled with restraint.

  “No. Am I hurting you?”

  He released a short laugh. “Killing me. You’re squeezing me so tight.”

  “It’s your own fault.” She lifted her hips to force him deeper. Her body yielded, inch by torturous inch.

  “Yeah. More, take more,” he said in a ragged whisper. “I want to be deep inside you.”

  With his intense words, a blend of eroticism and emotion unfurled within her, and she wanted to give him anything and everything he wanted. “Yes,” she whispered, and pressed her fingertips against his flexing ass muscles to pull him deeper.

  Never had anyone been more completely and fully inside her. Even her soul embraced him. She hadn’t known such perfection existed.

  Sucking her earlobe, he withdrew slowly and pushed in again. He moaned and whispered encouragements. Pleasure tingled through her and instinct possessed her. Arching up, she met his next thrust, and the next. She gently bit the firm curve of his biceps muscle, urging him on. She reveled in his alpha-male domination, the way he spread her wide and plunged deep. Over and over.

  Soon, devastating pleasure exploded through her, propelling her to the heights of sexual bliss. Vaguely aware that she cried out, she shuddered around him and her whole body clenched him tightly. At the same moment, he tensed, ground his cock deeper and growled against her ear.


  Scott lay in bed waiting for Leslie to return from the bathroom. I should kick my own ass. She’s somebody else’s girlfriend.

  No, the only way he would deserve an ass-kicking was if he’d refused her. She’d needed him as much as he needed her. He wasn’t passing up an opportunity to indulge a lightening-hot attraction. He couldn’t remember being so drawn to a woman.

  Granted, he hadn’t had sex in about a month, the last time being that one night stand he’d told her about. Damned if Leslie wasn’t as sweet and hot as boiling molasses. Bold, yet shy. The kind of woman he fantasized about.

  He hoped she’d return to his bed. He wanted her again, and this time, he’d watch the expressions on her beautiful face.

  The door opened. When she came toward him, wearing nothing but a shy smile, happiness spread through him. The soft glow of the lamp fired up the red highlights in her hair and illuminated her pale curves.

  He lifted the sheet, and she crawled into bed beside him.

  “Haven’t had enough, huh?” He pulled her tight against him.


  she breathed.

  “How would you feel about me licking all that cinnamon off you?”


  “Your gorgeous freckles. You look like you’ve been sprinkled with cinnamon.”

  “Oh, God!” She punched playfully at him. “I hate my freckles. Don’t make fun of them.”

  “Les, I love freckles. You’re beautiful, sexy, hot, and—”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “Stop your lies.”

  With a light snarl, he clamped her finger between his teeth and threatened to bite.

  “Don’t,” she warned.

  He licked her finger, and then sucked on it.

  The allure of her darkening eyes and parting lips hardened his cock once again.

  “You said one night, not one time,” she whispered.

  “Right.” Did she have to bring up the one night thing? Her heart belonged to another man, but she wanted Scott’s body. Or maybe he was just a convenient plaything. She could arouse him beyond bearing while she broke his heart. The hell of it was that he didn’t care. He wanted her any way he could get her.

  Under the sheet, she closed her hand around his tingling prick and squeezed. A bolt of renewed lust shook him. “You said I could be on top.” She stroked her thumb over the sensitive tip. A frisson of pleasure immobilized him.

  “Anything you want, babe.” Damned if he wasn’t her slave. What could be better?

  She rose up over him and pressed her lips to his while she stroked him up and down with her small, cool hand.

  Groaning, he trailed his tongue over her lips. He slipped a hand between her legs and found her as ready as he was again. At his touch, she moaned softly and trembled, and then crawled toward the edge of the bed. She pulled open the nightstand drawer and searched inside. “Dang! There are a lot of condoms in here.”


  Her blush reappeared. “Paul was trying to get us together, wasn’t he? Why?”

  Scott knew why, but at the moment, he didn’t feel like revealing his breakup of several months ago. “Because he’s a sex fiend, and he thinks everyone else should be, too.”

  “You make me a sex fiend.”

  Mmm, he liked the sound of that. “Oh, really?”